The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there . . . and still on your feet." SK

Saturday, May 21, 2011


In a few weeks my niece will graduate from high school. I have been trying to prepare myself for this because I know I am going to cry. A lot. I didn't really cry when Kian graduated. I always knew that he was too big for this place. He needed to have his grand adventures and that he would do great things. He is well on his way! However, I have always been very close to Kelcey. This in NO way, shape, nor form means that I don't love each of my nieces and nephews equally. It just means that Kelcey is the glue.

Before I go any further, perhaps I should explain something in case not everyone who reads this blog understands. I am very, very, very, close to my nieces and nephews. For some people that's strange. I am not really close to my aunts and uncles, so I get that. However, for me it's what I want. I want them to know that they mean the world to me. I want them to know that they can come to me. I've been there for the basketball games, and the soccer games, and the choir programs, the first dates, the proms, etc. You name, it, I've been there. So much so, that I get presents on Mother's Day :)

Back to my point. I asked Kelcey the other day what she would like to have for graduation. At first she couldn't come up with anything  because of course everything costs money (she is the biggest tight wad I have ever met!). Finally she decided on a Kindle (or some kind of e-reader). Perfect. I LOVE this idea! I do some research. Make a decision. Then, today my sister calls me and tells me that Kelcey doesn't have a camera and that she has been talking about wanting one like Kim and I have (we both carry them in our purses at all times). That's cool, my sister's giving me some options. I like this. However, I was thinking about which Kelc would use more. I couldn't really decide.


Tonight I was driving and it hit me. Literally. Like a lightening bolt . . .

I take pictures of EVERYTHING.

Kelcey has been a part of some of the greatest memories of my life. Now, she is getting ready to start the next chapter of her life, one of her greatest journies. Now she needs to capture the moments and the memories that SHE will never forget. I will help her do that.

And that's when the tears came.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Own Reality Check

Ok, so I have been under a little (lot of) stress recently. For a day or two I let that get to me. Today I gave myself the proverbial shake. I did not, will not, let today get to me. I realized that bad stuff happens. Good stuff happens. It's biblical. Floods, famine, fortune. It's all in there.

Really, though, it is about perspective. Would you appreciate all of the good things that happen to you if you didn't have the bad to compare it to? I know I wouldn't. I appreciate the bad times. Don't misinterpret that. I don't like that bad stuff. Sometimes I don't even understand the bad stuff. However, I have learned that "this too shall pass," and what was supposed to happen will happen. That has been promised.

Here's the reality check. Bad things have happened for thousands of years. They will continue to happen. But, good things happen too. It ebbs and flows just like the tide. However, how you react says a lot about who you are. How will you react to the difficulties you face? Are you going to accept them? Learn from them? Run from them? Throw a pity party?

Today I made a choice. I chose to accept the difficulties I am given, knowing full well that there is something I was meant to learn. I accept the difficulties knowing, that in the end, with a little faith, I will end up exactly where I am supposed to be.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I've had a lot on my mind lately. I have had a thousand things to think about and worry about. For the last several days this whole house situation has been on the forefront of my brain. One month from today I will have no place to live (yes, I could find somewhere, but that's not the point). I can't seem to find a house that I like. Nothing just screams "Jaron!" The thing is, I don't want to settle. I am not just going to pick what will work and give up on what I want. I keep telling myself that it will all work out--it always does. But, I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am beginning to panic a bit. And of course, I have a thousand other things on my plate right now as well.

But . . .

For some reason this whole house situation has gotten me thinking about my life in general. My attitude about buying this house is the same attitude I have about my life. I don't want to settle. If I had wanted to settle I could have done it twice before, but I didn't. I wanted what felt right, and I still do. I realize it is about the little things--the quirks you could say.

I don't want it all. I just want what is me.

Hmmm-K life, I am waiting--just like always--to see where you want to take me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan . . .
And so began the journey.

Let me begin by saying that I heart Los Angeles. You can almost feel the hope in the air. People are there living out dreams of making it big. Some will make it, many will not. Regardless, you can feel it in the air--although, that might be the smog ;)

So, what makes LA so great?

1. Alex lives there--yeah, that was just for you Alex.

2. Lots of different kinds of food--girl likes to eat!

3. The sun!!!

4. There are two Hard Rock Cafes.

5. Hustle and bustle (I for one like it).

6. I am a movie buff (this should be self explanatory).

7. You can wear ANYTHING and call it fashionable!

8. The ocean.

9. There is a Lucky Brand or Niketown store on like every corner.

10. Variety, variety, variety, and variety IS the spice of life.

Have you ever noticed that I like to make lists? I wonder why that is :)